Case Studies

Read about how we’ve served 150 organizations and taught over 10,000 hours with our direct instruction and tech teacher training.
K-8 Public School Students
12 Sites served by 10 Instructors
Culminated in Discovery Fair @ Museum
Artificial Intelligence

Bringing Drones + STEAM to Phipps Neighborhoods

Over 1,000 K-8 Summer Camp Students
9 Sites Served By 16 instructors
Drone Certification for Students Grades 4-8
Grade 1-7 Students in Club Setting
17-week program, twice a week
Creation of robopets and musical instruments
Grades 1-5 Engaged in Digital Creation
Full-Year Integration with School Curriculum
Projects Spotlighting Ocean Preservation
Introducing 6th + 7th Graders to Coding
Digital Coding and Hands-On Engineering
Developed Games, Trackers, and RFC Projects
AI Art
Virtual Reality
Graphic Design

Designing AI Sneakers at Fat Joe's UP NYC Store

Grades 3-8 Learning in Sneaker Store
Summer Weekend Program
Showcased AI Sneakers in Virtual Reality
K-8 Students from across Queens
4 Sites and 7 Instructors
Pioneered Roller Coaster Engineer Curriculum
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Case Studies Coming Soon!

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